Data dictionary
stream-read-xbrl converts Companies House accounts data into a single data frame of 38 columns. The 38 columns can be interpreted as a denormalised data frame of 3 source data frames - “Run”, “Companies at date in run”, and “Periods for company at date in run”.
For further details on the extraction of data, please see the How Data Is Extracted page
- run_code
Internal run processes. It is formed from the file name in Companies House, and is prefixed with ‘Prod’.
- zip_url
Populated by stream_read_xbrl_sync and stream_read_xbrl_sync_s3_csv, None otherwise.
Original URL of zip.
Companies at date in run
For each Run, there would be one or more “Companies at date in a run”.
- company_id
The unique identifier for the company that filed the account. Use this to join onto the company_number in the companieshouse.companies table.
Extracted from the member file name in the zip.
- date
The date on which the account was filed, drawn from the balance sheet date. This is known as the accounting reference date.
Extracted from the member file name in the zip.
- file_type
The file format that the account document was uploaded in. This is either XML or HTML.
Extracted from the member file name in the zip.
- taxonomy
The account record’s taxonomy, which is the specific set of hierarchical XBRL tags designed to help organize and tag documents related to the account.
- balance_sheet_date
The date that the company’s balance sheet was submitted. This shows the value of everything the company owns, owes and is owed on the last day of the financial year.
Extracted from BalanceSheetDate XBRL field
- companies_house_registered_number
The company’s registration number, assigned to a company during the incorporation process to identify the company. This is a unique string of 8 characters.
Extracted from CompaniesHouseRegisteredNumber or UKCompaniesHouseRegisteredNumber XBRL fields
- entity_current_legal_name
The official name of the company that filed the account, as it appears on the Companies House register.
Extracted from EntityCurrentLegalOrRegisteredName or EntityCurrentLegalName XBRL fields
- company_dormant
Indicates whether or not the company is dormant. The company is called dormant by Companies House if it had no ‘significant’ transactions in the financial year.
Extracted from EntityDormantTruefalse or EntityDormant or CompanyDormant or CompanyNotDormant XBRL fields
- average_number_employees_during_period
The average number of employees employed under a contract of service by the company that filed the account for the financial year.
Extracted from AverageNumberEmployeesDuringPeriod or EmployeesTotal or AverageNumberEmployeesDuringPeriod or EmployeesTotal XBRL fields
Periods for company in run
For each “Company at a date in a run” there can be zero or more “Periods for company in run”. In the case of zero, all the following values are None
A period for a company, defined by company_id
, period_start
and period_end
, may be repeated. This is because they are contained in multiple submissions of accounts data to Companies House.
- period_start
The date on which the account is made up to. This is also known as the ‘accounting reference date’.
Extracted from the startDate XBRL field, contained within the period and context tags of the html member file
- period_end
The account referencing date. This is the same as the period_start field.
Extracted from the endDate XBRL field, contained within the period and context tags of the html member file
- tangible_fixed_assets
The total value of assets that have been acquired for long term use in the company’s business, and will be retained for a year or more.
Extracted from FixedAssets or TangibleFixedAssets or PropertyPlantEquipment XBRL fields for the period indicated by period_start and period_end
- debtors
The total amount owed to the company as a result of trading activity, measured in British sterling (£).
Extracted from Debtors XBRL field for the period indicated by period_start and period_end
- cash_bank_in_hand
The total value (in £) of any positive bank account balance plus any cash held as at the balance sheet date.
Extracted from CashBankInHand or CashBankOnHand XBRL fields for the period indicated by period_start and period_end
- current_assets
The total value (in £) of current assets owned by the company. Current assets will convert into cash quicker than fixed assets.
Extracted from CurrentAssets XBRL field for the period indicated by period_start and period_end
- creditors_due_within_one_year
The total value (in £) of goods, services or payments received by the company which are not yet paid as at the balance sheet date, but due within 1 financial year.
Extracted from CreditorsDueWithinOneYear or Creditors (if withinOneYear in contextRef) XBRL fields for the period indicated by period_start and period_end
- creditors_due_after_one_year
The total value (in £) of goods, services or payments received by the company which are not yet paid as at the balance sheet date, and due beyond 1 financial year.
Extracted from CreditorsDueAfterOneYear XBRL field for the period indicated by period_start and period_end
- net_current_assets_liabilities
The net worth (in £) of a company’s current liabilities. These are amounts owing that the company expects to settle within 12 months of the balance sheet date.
Extracted from NetCurrentAssetsLiabilities XBRL field for the period indicated by period_start and period_end
- total_assets_less_current_liabilities
The net worth (in £) of a company’s long term liabilities. These are amounts that the company expects to repay more than 12 months after the balance sheet date.
Extracted from TotalAssetsLessCurrentLiabilities XBRL field for the period indicated by period_start and period_end
- net_assets_liabilities_including_pension_asset_liability
The total value (in £) of fixed and current assets less minus the total value of current and long term liabilities, including the pension asset liability.
Extracted from NetAssetsLiabilitiesIncludingPensionAssetLiability or NetAssetsLiabilities XBRL fields for the period indicated by period_start and period_end
- called_up_share_capital
The total nominal or face value (in £) of shares that the company has issued to shareholders.
Extracted from CalledUpShareCapital XBRL field for the period indicated by period_start and period_end
- profit_loss_account_reserve
The total value (in £) of any other reserves not included in the profit and loss account.
Extracted from ProfitLossAccountReserve XBRL field for the period indicated by period_start and period_end
- shareholder_funds
The total value (in £) of equity in the company which belongs to the company’s stakeholders.
Extracted from ShareholderFunds XBRL field for the period indicated by period_start and period_end
- turnover_gross_operating_revenue
The total income (in £) after subtracting operating expenses and other costs from total revenue.
Extracted from TurnoverGrossOperatingRevenue or TurnoverRevenue XBRL fields for the period indicated by period_start and period_end
- other_operating_income
The total income (in £) from all other operating activities which are not related to the principal activities of the company, such as gains/losses from disposals.
Extracted from OtherOperatingIncome or OtherOperatingIncomeFormat2 XBRL fields for the period indicated by period_start and period_end
- cost_sales
The total value (in £) of merchandise sold by the company in the stated period.
Extracted from CostSales XBRL field for the period indicated by period_start and period_end
- gross_profit_loss
The total value (in £) of the accumulated profits or earnings of the company over its lifetime.
Extracted from GrossProfitLoss XBRL field for the period indicated by period_start and period_end
- administrative_expenses
The total cost (in £) the company has incurred not directly tied to a specific function, such as rent and insurance.
Extracted from AdministrativeExpenses XBRL field for the period indicated by period_start and period_end
- raw_materials_consumables
The total cost (in £) of all commodities that are directly attributable to the production of a good or a service.
Extracted from RawMaterialsConsumables or RawMaterialsConsumablesUsed XBRL fields for the period indicated by period_start and period_end
- staff_costs
The total staff costs (in £) of the company relating to the financial year. This includes wages, salaries, social security costs and pension costs.
Extracted from StaffCosts or StaffCostsEmployeeBenefitsExpense XBRL fields for the period indicated by period_start and period_end
- depreciation_other_amounts_written_off_tangible_intangible_fixed
The total value (in £) written off by the company to account for the decrease in value of capital assets over time.
Extracted from DepreciationOtherAmountsWrittenOffTangibleIntangibleFixedAssets or DepreciationAmortisationImpairmentExpense XBRL fields for the period indicated by period_start and period_end
- other_operating_charges_format2
The total cost (in £) the company has incurred due to other operating income not arising from turnover or the company’s principal activities.
Extracted from OperatingProfitLoss or OtherOperatingExpensesFormat2 XBRL fields for the period indicated by period_start and period_end
- operating_profit_loss
The company’s total profit (in £) from business operations before deduction of interest and taxes. This is the gross profit minus operating expenses.
Extracted from OtherOperatingChargesFormat2 XBRL field for the period indicated by period_start and period_end
- profit_loss_on_ordinary_activities_before_tax
The company’s total profit (in £) from both operating and financial activities carried out, before the deduction of taxes.
Extracted from ProfitLossOnOrdinaryActivitiesBeforeTax XBRL field for the period indicated by period_start and period_end
- tax_on_profit_or_loss_on_ordinary_activities
The total tax amount applied (in £) to a company’s total profit from both operating and financial activities.
Extracted from TaxOnProfitOrLossOnOrdinaryActivities or TaxTaxCreditOnProfitOrLossOnOrdinaryActivities XBRL fields for the period indicated by period_start and period_end
- profit_loss_for_period
The total value (in £) of the accumulated profits or earnings of the company for the stated accounting reference period.
Extracted from ProfitLoss or ProfitLossForPeriod XBRL fields for the period indicated by period_start and period_end